As we age, everyone’s bodies and minds slow down, becoming less agile. It means that when you get to the age of “senior driver” you need to understand your body’s limitations and determine what you can do to remain a safe driver and still be active.
24 – Senior Drivers—and All Other Drivers—9 Tips for Safe Summer Driving
Julie Lee, Vice President and National Director of AARP Driver Safety chats with me about nine important summer driving tips; tips that apply to all drivers. Surprising to many, summer is a more dangerous driving time than winter. In the summer months of June through August 2012, there were 18 percent more fatal car crashes than in the winter months of December through February. In part, the reasons include an increase in the number of people traveling for vacations and the nicer weather, and a major surge in road construction.
Recognizing the danger of summer driving and the issues surrounding older drivers, AARP has nine important tips for getting to your destination safely. In this episode, Ms. Lee discusses the tips in more detail, but a summary includes: Read More and Listen to the episode >>>
08 – Senior Driving: Be Proactive and Understand Your Limitations
Jacob (Jake) Nelson is an epidemiologist and the Director of Traffic Safety Advocacy & Research for the Automobile Association of America (AAA). Because of his background, Jake sees traffic safety in a different light from traditional traffic safety professionals. In terms of Senior Driving, he analyzes the data and recognizes that when compared to other age groups, there is a greater percentage of seniors dying in fatal crashes. However, it is usually because of their inability to recover from injuries received in a crash, not because of their driving abilities. Thus, while senior drivers are typically safe drivers, their reaction time and judgment are affected by the aging process. So what is one to do? Just stop driving at a certain age? The short answer to that question according to Jake, and based on the research, is an emphatic No. Chronological age is not a good indication of safe—or unsafe—driving. However, as we grow older issues can arise. Understanding and addressing those issues is the critical consideration for any senior driver. Ultimately, that makes it safer for the senior driver and everyone else on the road. Read More and Listen to the episode >>>
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